We are all looking for the right balance between discipline and freedom for our kids. But what happens when somebody else’s kids get out of hand? That was the topic a couple of weeks ago. It wasn’t the plan for our discussion, mind you. But plans only serve us until something more important pops up. If something is top of mind for a dad, we go for it.

Everyone’s approach to these situations is different. As are the situations. Sometimes, it’s just because a kid is relatively new to the earth. Sometimes, the issues are clearly parent-related , which is a whole other thing. Approaches include:

I am, as we speak, texting with another school dad who freaked out on another parent for rough stuff that went down between kids on at recess. I’m doing what I can to talk him down. But any parent knows that first impulse when their kid gets hurt; it’s easier to preach equanimity than to practice it.

What strikes me, more than anything, is that there is no particular piece of advice that you can apply wholesale. We govern by principles and the tactics just kind of shake out. If you’ve got an experience, sharing is caring and I’d love to hear it.

Want to take part?

These discussions take place Tuesdays at 3pm Eastern. Click here if you’re interested in checking things out.


I made some cards up to hand out to dads I see IRL—an invitation to our weekly calls. I think we can all agree that a stranger handing you any kind of printed material is often a 🚩, so I adjusted my copy accordingly.
